Get Started

This short tutorial will teach you the basics of using the Topic Extraction API. It demonstrates how to retrieve a list of topics from a transcript.


This tutorial assumes that


If you have an audio file, you can generate a JSON transcript from it.

Step 1: Get your access token

The first step is to generate an access token, which will enable access to the Rev AI APIs. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Rev AI.
  2. Navigate to the Access Token page .
  3. Click the Generate New Access Token link. Confirm the operation in the pop-up dialog box.

Creating an access token

The new access token will be generated and displayed on the screen.


Save your access tokens somewhere safe; you will only be able to see them once. You are allowed a maximum of 2 access tokens at a time.

Step 2: Submit the transcript for topic extraction

Assuming that your JSON transcript is in a file, submit the transcript to the Topic Extraction API using the command below. Replace the <REVAI_ACCESS_TOKEN> placeholder with the access token obtained in Step 1 and the <FILEPATH> placeholder with the path to the transcript file.

curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <REVAI_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
     -d '{"json":'"$(< <FILEPATH>)"',"metadata":"This is a test"}'

You'll receive a response like this:

  "metadata":"This is a test",

The id (in this case 2BRIxqLlaHT1) will enable you to retrieve the list of topics.

Step 3: Retrieve the list of topics

You now need to wait for the job to complete. Wait for approximately 30 seconds and then check the status of your job by querying the API as shown below:

curl -X GET<ID> \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <REVAI_ACCESS_TOKEN>"

Polling the API periodically for job status is NOT recommended in a production server. Rather, use webhooks to asynchronously receive notifications once the topic extraction job completes.

Once the topic extraction job's status changes to completed, you can retrieve the list of topics in JSON format by running the command below. As before, replace the <REVAI_ACCESS_TOKEN> placeholder with the access token obtained in Step 1. You must also replace the <ID> placeholder with the id obtained in Step 2.

curl -X GET "<ID>/result" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <REVAI_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     -H "Accept: application/vnd.rev.topic.v1.0+json"

Here is an example of the topic extraction output:

  "topics": [
      "topic_name": "incredible team",
      "score": 0.9,
      "informants": [
          "content": "We have 17 folks and, uh, I think we have an incredible team and I just want to talk about some things that we've done that I think have helped us get there.",
          "ts": 71.4,
          "end_ts": 78.39
          "content": "Um, it's sort of the overall thesis for this one.",
          "ts": 78.96,
          "end_ts": 81.51
          "content": "One thing that's worth keeping in mind is that recruiting is a lot of work.",
          "ts": 81.51,
          "end_ts": 84
          "content": "Some people think that you can raise money and spend a few weeks building your team and then move on to more",
          "ts": 84.21,
          "end_ts": 88.47

Next steps

You should now have a basic idea of how to use the Topic Extraction API. To learn more, read the API documentation for complete details on the different resources and operations available in this API. You can also read about our other APIs and find code samples and SDK documentation that will help you connect your application with the API.